About Me

Hallo every one! My name is Irma Nichole Kent. Yes, I am aware that my initials spell "INK" I've been aware of this for some time.

I'm just an ordinary person with too much time on their hands.
Okay, so actually I have a lot less time than I would like. I just procrastinate a lot. This blog is a post where stories I've always wanted to tell but never had a way to share them meets procrastination and lack of interest in doing college work. So yup - there ya be.

My inspiration comes from actual events that happen to me, with certain exaggerated effects so you can see it from my point of view ^___^ My mind works in mysterious ways and only---Ohhhh!!!!! I just remembered something!!! I have ADD and Tunnel Vision, so I can focus on being random!!! Wooo!!!

..... What was I talking about again?

Oh right, my inspiration.... All of the stories and pictures I post on here are of my own making unless otherwised stated as such. If I post a story/picture that some one else told/drew I will note that I did not write/draw it, but that I just wanted to share it with every one. If you want me to draw a picture for your story or blog, I may if I have time and ability. Cause let's face it... I'm not the best of drawers, but I do put effort into making my doodles extra silly.

And finally: Feed back means a lot to me. Let me know what you think about my stuff. Even if it's just a smirk - let me know. Even if you didn't like it - let me know. I like to hear that I at least humored some one for a short while or have somewhere I need to improve. I'm good either way.